David Douard

KURA. c/o Fonderia Artistica Battaglia

September 27, 2018 — December 14, 2018

Hi david, when are you opening?
September 27.

At KURA. In Milan.

What is the title of the show?

What does blindf’old mean?
I don’t have an explanation for the title. Things happen.

Is this a new production?

Did you work at the venue?

What media did you use? Did you create at the foundry?
Objects, both made and found, and other different media. Foundry, yes, i’m working there.

The mask is a recurrent element of your work. What does it represent for you?
The presence of an absence, which is how i see art. The most interesting things are not visible.

In your previous production you focused on interstices (of space and time). Are interstices still part of your interests and your research?
Yes, the double is great. It creates a body with contradiction. I work toward that direction. Always.

Blindness, reflection, mirrors, the iris, the ambiguity of what we see and what we don’t, are all elements which you often refer to…
Yes, it’s about the surface and the presence. Sometimes we just can’t explain, we can’t react to all the information we have. So blindness, as well as reflection, could help understand. The media, the nervous breakdown, the narcissism online…

What will we see (or not see) at the exhibition?
I think life is better than art. But art makes life better. The only thing i can say is that we will see a representation of something interesting and we will know that this is impossible to represent.

Courtesy the artist and Chantal Crousel Gallery, Paris and Rodeo, London/Piraeus
Photos by Roberto Apa and Roberto Marossi